[+/-] show/hide text It occurs to me that I now know more people online by their real names than by screen names. Just a few years back, the opposite was true. Am I simply hanging with a more mature crowd or is it because the medium is changing?
Back when large-scale interaction was done primarily on message boards, screen names and iconic avatars were abundant. But now, anyone can put their own photo on the web and build personal forums for their thoughts. Even when they go by a screen name, it is common to also share one's real name (at least the first one).
I would seem to be a throwback as I still regularly use a pseudonym. But Sumocat isn't just a screen name; it's my real world nickname since 8th grade.
Back in high school, only my good friends called me Sumocat; everyone else used my real name. Now, online, the opposite is true. Regardless, I've grown somewhat comfortable with the paradigm shift, although I still find it wierd that people who know me by my nickname ask if they can call me "Mark".
[+/-] show/hide text Loren Heiny, master of ink integration, has been tinkering with an Ink Flipbook that makes simple animated ink drawings. The results are pretty cool. But what's more better (as Marc Orchant might say) is that he plans on offering the app on TabletPCPost so the world can enjoy the power of the flipbook. And in case there is any doubt, I definitely plan on giving it a rigorous test drive.
This Guy! [text version of thumbs pointing at me, Sumocat!]
Why? Because I asked if anyone cares if I leave out links in text, since I now include Links in Ink, and they said "yeah, I care." [paraphrased] So what's wrong with that?
First, it was a rhetorical question. Second, if you were to respond, the correct response would be more like "People can get links in text anywhere. They come to Sumocat's Scribbles for the ink and the attitude." Instead I get "Now, it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum."
By now everyone's thinking, "Shut up. Do the links and stuff a sock in yer piehole. How hard is that?" First, you guys suck too. Second, putting links in text adds a back and forth step in my blogging process. Right now, it's very simple: write in Journal, snip the image(s), upload the image(s), create Links in Ink with Build 52, paste code into Blogger, convert ink to text, add hide tags to text using Build 52, paste into Blogger, publish. See? Simple.
Now I have to take those links from Build 52 and add them to the text in Blogger? That's way too much. The only way around it is to add text formatting to Build 52 so I only have to paste the links in one stage. And that's... well, yeah, shouldn't be too hard... and I do have another idea to add... could work... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...You guys still suck. [text version of me "expressing myself"]
[+/-] show/hide text The fact that no seems to have noticed probably answers this question, but I'll ask anyway: Anyone care that I stopped putting links in text? A few afterthought exceptions aside, I stopped using text hyperlinks after I started testing Build 52. The text is included, though hidden, for the purpose of searchability. Otherwise, it's been all ink lately (except for the title of this post).
[+/-] show/hide text I hadn't been keeping up with the development of the $100 laptop because, well, I thought it was a laptop. Thus, I was quite surprised to see in the latest issue of Wired that the design has evolved into a tablet!
The last two of the four prototype designs have been convertibles. And while they lack touchscreens, they do have large trackpads to enable drawing and handwriting. Very tablet-esque.$100 Tablet I hadn't been keeping up with the development of the $100 laptop because, well, I thought it was a laptop. Thus, I was quite surprised to see in the latest issue of Wired that the design has evolved into a tablet!
The last two of the four prototype designs have been convertibles. And while they lack touchscreens, they do have large trackpads to enable drawing and handwriting. Very tablet-esque.
[+/-] show/hide text I am constantly getting phish emails trying to steal my PayPal info. Most of them are so poorly designed, particularly in spelling and grammar, that they are absurdly laughable. But this one is impeccable. Clear and simple. Hits the right panic buttons. Hopefully though, no one will fall victim to its insidious lure. If you see this email dump it!
[+/-] show/hide text Well, probably not, but any news that comes out about it causes people to lose their minds. And unfortunately, this news is open to interpretation.
First, Judie @ The Gadgeteer announced she's been offered an "engineering sample" of the DualCor cPC. More likely than not, that news is rock solid.
She goes on to mention that "consumer" models will not ship for 90-120 days. I think she means production units since DualCor is initially NOT targeting consumers, although they are allowing reselling to consumers.
Which brings us to the next bit of news: future versions will have integrated Bluetooth and wifi. I would guess these will be the consumer versions. This is great news since it should restore sanity to those who went crazy because wireless wasn't integrated. Some news on accessories, like an attachable keyboard or extended battery, would also help. >> GottaBeMobile.com >> jkOnTheRun >> The Gadgeteer
[+/-] show/hide text Stopped by the Sony Style store at Tyson's Corner today. Sitting on the table as soon as we walked in was the UX180P. Very cool device. Solid, smooth design. Everything I'd expect from Sony. Fortunately for my wallet, it is also way too small for me. Actually, the size would be great if it ran Windows Mobile. Windows XP, TPC version or not, isn't geared for screens this small. Sony worked around it, but these are still workarounds.
Craig Pringle posted a great series of blog entries on optimizing Windows apps for small screens. Great work but it only reinforces the truth that Win XP is not built for small screens. The Origami interface compensates for this to an extent, but it's still the same system underneath. I think Microsoft needs to offer some serious small screen support if they want devices like this (ie, the UMPC) to take off.
[+/-] show/hide text Lest anyone think every thing Josh Einstein does is golden, it was announced that he did not win the [The Student Tablet PC] logo contest. Personally, I think he was robbed, but not being a student might have worked against him.
[+/-] show/hide text Yeah, McDonald's rocks! Oh wait, I'm a vegetarian, so that's not it. Oh, but I am a Tablet PC user, so I must be referring to Tablet Enhancements for Outlook 3.0. Josh seems to have fixed any issues from the beta. Look forward to really pushing it.
[+/-] show/hide text The way the Tablet PC community gushes over Tablet Enhancements for Outlook, an outsider might think Josh Einstein was paying us to sell his product. If so, I'm gettin' screwed because I paid for my copy. But I don't mind because it is worth every dime. Version 3.0 is out of beta and released for our enjoyment. Download it now!
[+/-] show/hide text Five cheers for the Center of the Tabletscape, one for each decade Warner Crocker has survived and for the five yet to come. Heck, with future tech and medicine, he'll easily see another six, you know what I'm saying? I'd post an ink cake too, but I emailed him one last night. Happy Birthday central one!
[+/-] show/hide text Going to help a guy shop for a laptop (unfortunate) today, so I'm touring the ads, and I see the Gateway convertible is on sale at Best Buy and the Toshiba Satellite R25 is selling at CompUSA. Both are packing Intel Core Duo processors and one GB of ram and are priced around $1100. Yeah, they're heavy, but for the price and power, it's worth the workout.
[+/-] show/hide text Never occurred to me to use the stylus eraser on text before. Did it by accident just now while sending an email composed using Word in Outlook, 2003 versions. Cursor turns to text select with a little eraser icon in the lower left corner. Select the text you want to zap and it's gone!
Updated! Snap! It works in Excel and PowerPoint too! Takes out text same as with Word and clears cell contents in Excel.
[+/-] show/hide text Had another of my crazy ideas. This time, it's a mash-up spawn of my mobile tech hobby with my wife's developing healthy vegan lifestyle blog. Basically, we started taking evening walks together as part of her healthier lifestyle, and I think we can record over conversations and turn them into a podcast. I mapped out the concept using Mindjet Mindmanager and exported to a simple web page. Learn about the walkcast here.
[+/-] show/hide text Met an interesting techie at lunch Monday. He is an enterprise architect currently at Unisys. Old school hacker with 35 years of experience. Had some great stories and insights to share about networks and security that we on the consumer-level would never know. I was reassured to know that he and I share many of the same views on the IT world in general. Was a very pleasant random encounter in the office park.
What's more auspicious is that he suggested I walk over and check out Unisys some time. Just last week, I had thought about doing just that with the various companies in this office park. That same day (last Monday), a friend regaled our Independence Day happy hour group with a tale of his consulting stint at Unisys. Seems like the tracks of coincidence upon which the engine of my life rides are pointing in this direction.
[+/-] show/hide text I'm now two for two when it comes to making James Kendrick's podcasting partners laugh. If you'll recall, I brightened Kevin C. Tofel's day with a dire prediction about his smartphone choice. Now, I got Marc Orchant to do an audio lol with my recent blog entry about fathers & sons on the Tabletscape. Guess that means I'll have to go after Matt Miller now. (Dave escaped just in time.)
[+/-] show/hide text No, not the movies, but the TV series -- Blade: The Series and Star Wars: Clone Wars. The Clone Wars cartoon is excellent, a must-watch transition between Episodes II & III. I haven't seen the Blade TV show but the pilot episode is currently available for free on iTunes. Downloading it now.
[+/-] show/hide text I typically shun normal calendars, but this one of, for and by IT Goddesses may be an exception. Maybe they can make a version for Outlook?
[+/-] show/hide text Thought I'd share a test of my new headset with you. I had the dictation system transcribe the audio as I recorded it, so you can see how well the dictation system works after just a few training sessions. Obviously needs more training and dictionary additions. Spoken vs. Recognized transcript here. Audio is 3.4 MB, 3.5 minutes in MP3 format: Raw (just as the Tablet heard it) and slightly Cleaner (in case you care).
[+/-] show/hide text Everyone's posting shots of their sons on the web. First, Josh Einstein gives his new son what we all want - a photo of ourselves buck naked on the Internet. Next, Marc Orchant shows us his son, mugging for the camera in a case study for Student 2007. There's no questioning that kid's paternity. It's like they de-aged Marc's ZDNet profile photo.
[+/-] show/hide text My other favorite reality show is Last Comic Standing. They take the best elements of the reality show staples - voting, tryouts, immunity challenges, and head-to-head competition - and let a group of comedians run wild with it. The first two seasons were excellent. The third season threw out the formula and tanked. The current one doesn't look as good, but I'm glad they returned to the original format.
[+/-] show/hide text I wasn't too excited about the show last year (not an INXS fan). But a band with Jason Newsted, Gilby Clarke, & Tommy Lee is more of my speed. That's serious rock power. And Dilana here is my pick!
[+/-] show/hide text Forgot to mention that CTitanic posted his ink from his UMPC - an eo - which makes it a double first! Links in Ink from a UMPC. Very cool.
[+/-] show/hide text Uh, I mean, willing tester. CTitanic (of more sites than I can list - see his Blogger profile) is the first recorded tester of Build 52, which he has used with success.
BTW, I seem to have forgotten that techies don't read directions (myself included). B52 requires you to add code and usually delete a line from your blog template or test page before it will work. I would have embedded these in the code but Blogger does not allow [script] tags in entries. The prereqs are listed in the interface. Third button from the bottom.
Updated! CTitanic has published his first B52-generated Links in Ink post. Works like a champ!
[+/-] show/hide text Want to create Links in Ink using a graphical user interface? Want to paste those links directly into your blog post? If so, Build 52 is the app for you!
Yep, the mysterious Build 52 I keep testing is finally fit for public consumption. IE only but works fine in the IE Tab extension for Firefox. Fully functional on the website or you can download the zip with the HTML and dial images. Available in left and right hand versions. Works with any image fit for the web. Please give it a try and let me know how you like or dislike it. [see image for links]
[+/-] show/hide text If you're reading this, please do me a favor and leave a comment letting me know how this link to Japan-a-radio looks. In IE, it should be underlined in blue and turn red when the cursor passes over it. In Finefox, the line should turn purple-ish and the word gets lighter.
[+/-] show/hide text The interface is fully armed and operational. The code to embed Links in Ink in a blog page works, although with a tweak for IE, even on an index or archive page, without the need for an inline frame linked to a separate doc. Only issue is dealing with content shifting from hiding & showing text and slow loading images. Ugly workaround in progress.
[+/-] show/hide text Looks to me like a classic case of 'man bites dog' except the "man" is two girls and the dog is a dude who got mugged by them. Had to happen sometime.
[+/-] show/hide text Remember how Mac sales tanked when Apple opened up the system to run Windows? Yeah, I don't remember that either. In fact, I think the opposite happened. So imagine how excited the guys at Apple must be to know that France is pushing to have all digital music be compatible with all players. Yeah, Apple might sell fewer songs, but we all know they make their money on the player.
[+/-] show/hide text If you took the original movie, cut out the character development, humor, and intelligence, and stuffed it with nostalgia and sentiment, you'd have Superman Returns. Save your money, rent the original. The basic plot is nearly the same, except that Superman had no reason to think Lex Luthor could hurt him then. You'd think he'd have learned since.
[+/-] show/hide text Okay, so I have placement of the link layers down, but now the opacity / transparency is shot. Always worked in the inline frames, as well as standalone. I can only conclude that something in Blogger is knocking it out. I'll have to tinker with it after I get back from Superman Returns.
[+/-] show/hide text Code seemed to work fine in Internet Explorer, but not Firefox. I have Microsoft's determination to not adhere to W3 standards to thank. This code [!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"] in my Blogger template killed the script in FF. Removed it and now it works.