Wednesday, July 12, 2006

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Met an interesting techie at lunch Monday. He is an enterprise architect currently at Unisys. Old school hacker with 35 years of experience. Had some great stories and insights to share about networks and security that we on the consumer-level would never know. I was reassured to know that he and I share many of the same views on the IT world in general. Was a very pleasant random encounter in the office park.

What's more auspicious is that he suggested I walk over and check out Unisys some time. Just last week, I had thought about doing just that with the various companies in this office park. That same day (last Monday), a friend regaled our Independence Day happy hour group with a tale of his consulting stint at Unisys. Seems like the tracks of coincidence upon which the engine of my life rides are pointing in this direction.

Interesting Lunch Meeting


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