Actually, I've heard a few before today, but I happen to be blogging in bed with Pandora ( pumping through my iPhone to my Bluetooth stereo headset right now, so I thought I'd give them a shout-out and thank them for collecting those ad dollars exactly as I've suggested. Keep up the good work!
I suppose there are worse things than using a slogan that lines up with the Unabomber's ( vision of the future. Still pretty bad though. Via Britannica Blog ( [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
As should be apparent to anyone reading this in its unconverted form, the science of handwriting analysis holds some interest to me. I'm coming up on 1,400 ink blog posts, not counting my pre-Scribbles and Rambles entries. Certainly I've published more than enough handwriting samples for a thorough analysis. I've looked at a few sites on the subject with mixed opinions, but I sometimes wonder what someone learned in the field would have to tell me. Well, the door is open for opinions and all comers are welcome (though folks who've actually studied the field are preferred). Leave me a comment or drop me an email at [ink only to avoid spam] [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Had a bit of a scare earlier this year, but everything worked out so we can celebrate another Homer Day ( Our baby Homer is two years old today, which translates into 24 human years based on biological development. Happy Homer Day to all, and special shout-out to James Kendrick and his great birthday news ( Happy Newt Day! [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
At a time when smartphones are easily identified by one name, such as Droid or iPhone, Microsoft chose to change the name of their mobile OS to Windows Phone 7 Series. They later chopped off the last part. Better yet still tragically flawed. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
My wife got an interesting piece of mail, which she was about to dump, but I said "No, it reads clearly, 'DO NOT DESTROY'" and it also states it should be opened. So she opened it and let me read it. Turns out it's a survey from the Republican National Committee. Strange given my wife is a latte-sipping, hybrid-driving, vegan-leaning liberal. Also, where the f--- is mine?
Anyway, the "survey" is just a push poll asking questions like, "Do you agree with Barack Obama and Nanny Pelosi's efforts to impose massive tax hikes on the American people?" Yeah, that's not a leading question.
The best part is the question at the end where they ask if you want to donate money to keep the country strong, or if you only want to contribute $11. Yes, the options are donate or contribute. So thanks for the survey, but to quote Dick Cheney "Go f--- yourself." [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
The photos of Eyjafjallajökull ( are absolutely stunning. The fury of lightning and lava is otherworldly. However, that name is as hard to write as it is to say. Fortunately I have a custom font in my handwriting. Eyjafjallajökull [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
So I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I've gone official with my Twitter status. I haven't really jumped into the social aspect of it yet. Rather, I've primarily staked a claim on a user name (@SumocatS) ( and am feeding my blog entries to it, including inked entries like this. Thus, I thought I'd make my ink tweeting official and establish an #inktweet ( tag.
Compared to last year with my trip to the fish market, year four was an easy one in my ongoing fish and seafood boycott ( The past month has been a stronger one for my cause as we've seen illegal whale meat show up in a number of sushi restaurants. The average person may not have a problem with driving our fish supply into oblivion, but few think hunting and eating endangered whales is acceptable practice. Well, one industry affects the other, and there's no question that wiping out the ocean's fish population adversely affects sea animals higher up the food chain. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Cognizant of both my impending milestone of birth and my quest for the perfect poundcake (, my friend Susan at work baked for me something I've been too lazy to get around to: an authentic poundcake.
The old-fashioned recipe calls for a bit of salt and vanilla and a pound each of flour, sugar, eggs and butter, just like the olden days. I can describe the result only as a delight. Dense yellow interior, crisp sweet exterior, sliced without crumbling. Fortunately. I was wise enough to share it before I risked eating it all myself.
Thank you so much. Susan. Now, I guess I'll have to go super-old school and make one in a cast iron pan and wood burning oven. ☺ [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Oh no! There's a YouTube video ( of a cat using an iPad and it's neither me nor one of my cats! Makes me want to see Homer play with an iPad. Pressure building. Resistance to iPad weakening. Thanks Warner ( [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Not much chance of getting Patty or Spooky to stand up like this, but Homer has gone up on his hind legs a few time. Nowhere near as good as this though. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Figured the end result is the same regardless of the specs so I might as well just update the old comic strip ( [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
I almost regret not buying an iPad now, if only to make this classic "everyone and his brother" joke work. Turns out I don't have one but my brother does. Hopefully it'll be too big to lose, unlike his iPhones. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text