Well, I said I might have to think about getting the blog ready (http://sumocats.blogspot.com/2012/03/reading-scribbles-on-new-ipad.html) for the new iPad (http://www.apple.com/ipad/) Retina display, so I did. If you're reading this on a Retina display the ink should have twice the resolution as on other displays. Still hammering out the process, but the important thing is the code works. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
The photo should be noticeably sharper when viewed on the Retina display of the new iPad or when zoomed on the Retina display of the iPhone 4/4S. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
So Samsung thinks pen input will be the killer feature that sells their Galaxy Note (http://www.gottabemobile.com/tag/galaxy-note/) tablets. Yeah, good luck with that. Worked wonders for tablets so far.
But if they do manage to gain any traction, I hope they can bring me some company in ink blogging. I'm not just talking handwritten entries either. They need to deliver searchability and Links in InkTM too. No excuses. I've had both for six years (http://sumocat.blogspot.com/2006/07/build-52-is-go.html). [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text