Celebrated National Handwriting Day with a Faceplant
Hope your National Handwriting Day (http://www.wima.org/NationalHandwritingDay/tabid/79/Default.aspx) was better than mine. Picked up some hardware for a planned computer upgrade that became more urgent after some sort of software failure botched the ability of apps to save settings. Passwords won't save. Internet TV in Windows Media Center crashes. Needed a second had drive for storage anyway, so it kind of works out to have that place to move my files as I re-install Windows. What didn't work out was hitting my face on concrete steps at the Reston Town Center.
Day was all wrapped up and Tanya and I were entering the parking structure when I stumbled on the concrete steps. Should have caught myself but I had my hands in my pockets due totter cold. Scraped my face and cut my lip pretty good. Doesn't look that bad in the photo but that's after the blood was washed off. The scrape is going to make me look like a drooling vampire tomorrow. Hit my top canine too. Definitely scraped it a little, but it's not loose, so it's fine.
After getting home, I cleaned up, installed the hardware, and now I'm waiting for Windows to re-install. Yep, not letting a little concrete kiss impede my computer upgrade. One of the benefits of having fallen so often as a child is learning how to deal with it.
So that and seeing the Green Hornet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Green_Hornet_%282011_film%29), which was quite good, is how I spent National Handwriting Day 2011.
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Labels: just me, National Handwriting Day
Celebrated National Handwriting Day with a Faceplant
posted by Sumocat at 1/23/2011 08:09:00 PM