Hey all! Got a new Lunch Pizza blog entry. This one is in video format to give you my opinion as I form it. So sit back for a minute and watch me eat pizza. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Very sad news for the Tablet PC community arrived today. A man I was proud to recognize as a fellow enthusiast and insightful thinker, Loren Heiny, passed away after years of battling cancer. I typed out my thoughts earlier to share with the GottaBeMobile community, but the only proper way for me to honor Loren is in ink.
As a software developer, he strived to improve the Tablet PC experience, such as with his InkGestures software, and pushed it across platforms, as seen with his inking in Firefox experiments. He never gave up on the platform, and looking back at some of the things I wrote about him, it's amazing how insightful he was about the industry and where it was going. It is a terrible shame he won't be with us to enjoy the next generation of tablets to follow, which we surely saw coming.
[We never met in person, something I regret, but I felt a real kinship with Loren. Our perspectives on the tablet scene were very parallel. We never collaborated on anything, but time and again, we came to the same conclusions even when coming from different directions. On the odd occasion when I disagreed with him, his logic still proved solid and usually superior. How insightful was he? He claimed the iPhone platform was moving us toward a new generation of tablets and that a big iPod touch would prove a huge success -- that was two years ago. It is unfortunate he was only able to see these first steps come to fruition and won’t be here for the true next-gen Tablet PCs he dreamed would follow. Loren was truly a thinker and visionary. He and his beautiful thoughts will be missed.] [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Finally someone got a clue and figured out the only way to steal customers from a competitor is to reach out to the competition's customers. After hearing AT&T ads telling me how I can listen to Pandora on my iPhone (while listening to Pandora on my iPhone), I welcome the attempt by Sprint to lure me away to their the EVO. Won't happen but I appreciate the attempt. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Let almost the whole day slip by without recognizing the five-year anniversary of Sumocat's Scribbles (http://sumocat.blogspot.com/). Been letting the ink run dry lately with my tech thoughts going to GottaBeMobile (http://www.gottabemobile.com/author/sumocat/) and my random thoughts going to my other blogs in myriad other forms. Will weed to put some extra effort into crafting some finely fashioned ink blog posts. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
So I was asked today, on the topic of lunch, what I eat on Mondays. Caught me a bit off-guard because I don't really have a steady lunch routine. Normally I'd have something from home or I'd go Taco Bell because it's so convenient. Today though I had decided on something different and ordered a small pizza from Vocelli. This has inspired me to start up a new topic series called "Lunch Pizza". Basically, I'll be eating pizza from different eateries and blogging my opinion. First up: Vocelli Pizza (http://www.vocellipizza.com/reston_va).
Vocelli is a lunch-friendly place with several options. I went for #1 which is a small pizza and a drink. Fairly priced at $7.99 for one topping. The dough is crisp and chewy. The mushroom portion is substantial. Good spread of sauce and cheese on to the crust. Definitely keeping Vocelli on my Lunch Pizza list. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
By now, many of you have heard about the Double Rainbow guy (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/04/hilarious-hiker-guy-freak_n_634861.html) and how he freaked out at the sight of what I assume was his first double rainbow. As he squealed about its possible meaning, I found myself feeling grateful that I'd grown up in Hawaii where a double rainbow only meant it was raining. Admittedly, I have freaked out over sudden hail bursts (http://sumocat.blogspot.com/2010/05/video-hail-burst.html) and other big dumps of precipitation, but that literally has physical impact. According to DR guy, however, double rainbows wit hard too...