Many female-oriented blogs are abuzz over a new costume for Wonder Woman that includes, among other changes, pants. Here's what the ladies at Disgrasian ( had to say.
[After 69 years, Wonder Woman's getting a sartorial makeover for her 600th issue--and also, apparently, a re-imagining of her origin story. And while it's about time the feminist icon, who once graced the cover of Ms. magazine, got herself a pair of pants, it's kinda weird to see her in pants, you know?]
I would agree, except this isn't the first time Wonder Woman has been re-imagined with pants on. For a few years at the start of the 1970's, The "new" Wonder Woman gave up her princess powers, learned martial art, shot down commies with machine guns, and wore pants. Why didn't that last?
Per Wikipedia (
[Wonder Woman's powers and traditional costume were restored in issue #204 (Jan-February 1973). Gloria Steinem, who grew up reading Wonder Woman comics, was a key player in the restoration. Steinem, offended that the most famous female superheroine had been depowered, placed Wonder Woman (in costume) on the cover of the first issue of Ms. (1972)—Warner Communications, DC Comics' owner, was an investor—which also contained an appreciative essay about the character. The costume used on the cover of Ms. was very much like the Silver Age version of the costume, but in one way it was unlike anything that the character had worn before. [...] Steinem's version wore what was essentially the bottom half of a bathing suit. Steinem's new extra-short pants were adopted in issue #204 when the costume returned.]
Yes, noted feminist Gloria Steinem ( not only led Wonder Woman back to her old look, but she put her in an even skimpier costume, which debuted on the first cover of Ms. ( magazine, the same one mentioned by Disgrasian. That is some sweet, sweet irony.
If history repeats itself, Wonder Woman will be back in her old costume in a few years, except she'll be wearing a thong. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
In sad news, Senator Robert Byrd of West Va. passed away this weekend. His passing creates a void, not just in the Senate but also in the order of Presidential succession. A new President pro tempore must be sworn in (, and it's the current most senior member of the Senate - Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii (
This should be a huge moment of pride for Japanese-Americans, natives of the State of Hawaii, and especially folks like me who are both. That this happens while our sitting President is also a native of Hawaii makes this a stellar year for leadership from the Aloha State. My condolences to Byrd's family and state, but this is a huge event for us. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Thanks to my new iPhone 4, I can now post video on the go with relative ease. Having done two ( ( and posting them in tiny form in my sideblog, I decided it would be best to make them a separate channel that feeds into my main lifestream. I'll try not to fill it with too many cat videos, but it's not like people don't like watching cats do crazy s--. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
Looks like Apple is taking advantage of a slow shipping day to hand our iPhone 4 pre-orders over to FedEx. Going to be a long four days. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
So as I mentioned briefly (, I was in Philadelphia for a couple of days. My friend Lawrence was in town for a race and stopped in a day early so we could hang out and take in the sights. Got to see the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and the U.S. Mint, but half our time was spent catching up.
Also took the opportunity to test some equipment I'm evaluating. Have some good data to share but no time to organize it. Still catching up with work due to my days off. This entry was written on a Fujitsu Lifebook T900 Tablet PC ( with pen + multi-touch. [+/-] Hide/Show Text [+/-] Hide/Show Text
As I teased earlier (, I'm currently evaluating a Fujitsu Lifebook T900 Tablet PC ( on loan from Fujitsu. I'll be shooting some video of the pen + multi-touch system in action as well as of the general hardware. But since I have some quiet time now, I thought I'd spill some thoughts about the inking.
I'm writing this in Windows Journal on a desk surface using a page template similar to my usual one. Still tweaking The width a little bit. The screen resolution and dimensions are lower than my Toshiba. 1280x800 on 13.3" vs. 1440×900 on 14.1" respectively.
You may notice the ink is a bit sloppier than it normally is. While I am trying to maintain my usual pace, I find that the slicker screen makes the pen guide faster. Also, the cursor does not align with the pen tip in the same way as on my usual tablet. There's always a bit of parallax but I'm not adjusted to the angle on this one yet. There's also noticeable wobbling along the edges of the screen. Doesn't impede my inking too much except for the left edges on these pages.
Palm rejection on this touch screen is better than I've experienced on others but still not perfect. In the course of normal inking, lines and dots will appear on the bottom half of the page. Currently I am testing a SmudgeGuard ( glove to avoid that. I'll post separate thoughts on that product later, but suffice to say, it's keeping the page clean.
The inking feature that's really hooked me, however, is the two-finger scrolling. Pen or single touch on the screen only activates inking. Two fingers allow the screen to be pushed up and down. Such a convenience compared to using the scrollbars. I only wish I didn't still need that tiny button in the corner to add a new page.