Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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Another Build 52 success


  1. Sumocat, thanks for writing about Ript. Seeing that post with it used in combination with Build 52 really makes me drool! I wish InkSeine could do that! It just looks right for an ink notebook (and ink blog posts, of course).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/25/2008 01:25:00 AM

  2. Thanks Ken. If you could get Ript's photo-arranging functionality into InkSeine, I think that will turn a lot more heads. Despite not being designed specifically for it, Ript really feels designed for pen input.

    BTW, I've been meaning to try out InkSeine, but honestly, I'm pretty sure I won't like it. That's no fault of the app. Judging from the comments I've read and my analysis of the features, I believe it's excellent at its job. It's just that you've been following a "notebook metaphor", and that doesn't appeal to me. I still intend on trying it for myself, but I am a pretty good judge of what I will or will not like (I did take the plunge into tablets sight unseen).

    By Blogger Sumocat, at 2/25/2008 10:09:00 AM

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