Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Alright, to be fair, I can't pin this on IM, and I'm just riffing off my previous entry (http://sumocat.blogspot.com/2007/10/im-so-glad-i-hate-instant-messaging.html), to which this is an update.

So following Thursday's incident with a series of unsavory IM transcripts emailed to everyone in the office, the IT department was ordered to clamp down, removing unauthorized apps and instituting new security measures.

The only apps I'd installed on my work computer are Firefox (http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/), Outlook on the Desktop (http://www.michaelscrivo.com/projects/outlookdesktop/), and the Zune theme (http://www.zune.net/en-us/meetzune/software.htm). The former two were left alone, but to the pain of my eyes, my Zune theme was removed. Fortunately, that was quickly rectified and the soothing black and red color scheme is back in place. Still, I was pretty annoyed at the time.

Of course, I am inconvenienced by the web filtering. Any non-work-related site, including personal email and most blogs, have been blocked... on the work network. Fortunately, the office also has open wifi for the convenience of visitors. My office, however, is outside signal range, so I'm going to start eating lunch in the lunchroom to take care of email and catch-up with GBM, jk, etc.

It's a minor obstacle to be sure and if I really wanted access from my office, I could buy or build a cantenna (or wait until the new 802.11n router is installed -- sitting in the conference room but not set up yet). For now, I'll enjoy the change of scenery.

CateGoogles: waste_of_time
Mood = bemused


Okay, now I really hate Instant Messaging


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