Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Videos from vacations in Hawai'i are a dime a dozen. But what about mobile tech reviews from the Aloha State? Not quite so many of those. Hoping to fill in that difference with this non-vacation trip.

Planning a series of short videos to document some of my tech usage. Hoping to sneak a surprise or two in there as well. I think the content will be relevant to anyone traveling with mobile computers, business or, as is my case, personal.

Tentative Schedule of videos

  • What's in my gadget bag now? (pre-flight)

  • Hawai'i Brew in Kailua: coffee, veggies & wifi

  • The Great Waikiki Wifi Cloud

  • If I had a Tablet PC growing up

  • View from the cul-de-sac

Don't hold me too tightly to that schedule. I'm pretty sure I can sneak in a couple hours of video during a week-long trip, but you can't exactly plan everything out when dealing with unplanned family business.

CateGoogles: mobile_tech
Mood = excited

Videos on the agenda


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