Saturday, August 01, 2009

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Glucose vs Willpower


  1. Mark,

    It's a tough battle that your in, and it's very tough to win long term.

    Did you ever think about rather then cut down to nothing all the time, giving yourself an 'off' day to look forward to?

    By saying on Saturday your going to allow your self to have 'sweets', makes things much easier to get by during the week because you know that off day is coming.

    The problem is how do you control yourself on your off day. You don't. If you want it, you can have it. However since your done a great job all week, you'll be more focus not to over do it on your off day.

    Again it may not work for you, but it also may.

    By Anonymous Michael Venini, at 8/03/2009 10:41:00 AM

  2. It's not so much the craving, which is not bad, but the drop in glucose itself. Hoping to adjust, but it's a roller coaster in my head until then.

    By Blogger Sumocat, at 8/04/2009 11:17:00 AM

  3. I hear ya man. I'm trying myself.

    I wish you well on it.

    By Anonymous Michael Venini, at 8/04/2009 05:59:00 PM

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