Okay, I understand there are racist hypocrites who ignored his biased rambling about Donovan McNabb (http://espn.go.com/gen/news/2003/1001/1628537.html) and that he never went to prison for illegal drug use (http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/122839p-110349c.html) despite his calls to punish all drug addicts. But why hasn't everyone turned off Rush Limbaugh (http://www.bartcop.com/webring.htm) after he accused Michael J. Fox (http://www.michaeljfox.org/) of exaggerating his Parkinson's Disease symptoms (http://msnbc.msn.com/id/15417821/site/newsweek/) in his recent ad promoting stem cell research? It's one thing to dispute the validity of racial bias or chemical dependency. I can appreciate the differences in opinion and perspectives in these murky areas. But Parkinson's is unquestionably a disease. Fox definitely has it. He had to retire because it got too hard for him to control. Yeah, he wanted people to see the symptoms in this ad, but to accuse him of any level of "faking" is reprehensible. If this is how Rush wants to keep his name in the press to combat his sagging relevance, his reward should be the sound of crumbling ratings.
From the sounds of this post, you didn't listen to Limbaugh and his comments regarding the Fox add. Fox clearly is misleading in his attack ad as he pushes for somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning). Just because Fox is a victim of a disease does not make his political actions infallible. Rush states over and over again that he does not question Fox having Parkinson's. He does have an issue with anyone using disease to push a political agenda. This was a spin campaign to push human cloning, using deception to trap voters into voting for something that isn't on the ballet at all (embryonic stem cell research).
Many (like Limbaugh and myself) are tired of victims getting a free ride to say anything they want in the arena of political ideas and the public expecting nobody to criticize their comments. Especially when their comments are lies, exploitative and immoral. Nobody, even those with unfortunate diseases (such as Parkinson's), are clear of criticism in the arena of political ideas.
Anonymous, at 10/27/2006 10:39:00 AM
Who listens to Limbaugh? Not many. 'Least nobody important, anyway.
Way I sees it, the truly intelligent and genuine folk are the ones who exist in the middle of the political spectrum, and there are quite a lot of us. Problem is, we'll always lose to those at the extremes who have money :P
But I agree that this is just a Ratings Stunt 'cause his ratings are slipping due to no one in the middle is listening to him anymore :P
Hell, I fell out of grace with TV/Radio personalities A LONG time ago for the very reason that too many of them don't even believe the words that come out of their mouth; it's a business, not a discussion. Thing is though, I find watching television is actually quite a decent way of living :o You start to see things from a more rational perspective than have some blubbering vagina on the screen tell you what to think. Not bad.
Sad, really :(
Anonymous, at 10/27/2006 01:43:00 PM
To anonymous...
Political agenda? Fox is pushing for federal funds to find a cure for degenerative diseases, one of which he happens to have. That's not political; it's self-preservation. Unless you think it's just coincidence that he's promoting a cause that could improve his health.
And you'll notice I'm not bashing Rush for his other criticisms. I even went so far as to note that some of his previous poorly-received opinions can be supported. If he thinks Fox is being manipulated by the Democrats, that's his opinion and he's entitled to it. My beef specifically is with his accusations of "exaggeration" and "acting".
Even if Fox was off his meds, that only means he chose not to hide his condition, which makes him more honest, not less. You want to question his politics, cool. You want to accuse him of faking his symptoms, bullshit. Rush's other comments, whether I agree or not, are his to make and I could care less about them (you'll notice I'm not disputing them), but to accuse the man of exaggerating the effects of his degenerative neurological disease is unethical.
BTW, I like how you, a chicken shit anonymous douchbag, compare yourself to Limbaugh who has the balls to be accountable for his words.
Sumocat, at 10/27/2006 03:38:00 PM
Timbo: [Way I sees it, the truly intelligent and genuine folk are the ones who exist in the middle of the political spectrum, and there are quite a lot of us.]
I once would have agreed, but now I'm ornery and cynical, so I do my best to exist outside the political spectrum. I think Rush sucks because he's a jackass, not because he *acts* conservative. His ideas of "rugged individualism" would be fine advice, if he didn't also encourage his Dittoheads to let him think for them. I find that completely bass-ackwards, but it has nothing to do with his politics.
I used to vote for any candidates I liked. If I didn't like anyone, I'd vote independent/third-party or write-in myself. But now I have to back Democratic candidates I don't like just to piss on the Republicans. I don't want to vote for Jim Webb, but the Senate race in VA is very close and George Allen is a gibbering Republican tool. If it was John Warner up for re-election, at least then I could stomach a Republican win. In fact, I think I previously voted for Warner. But Allen? Hell, no.
Republicans suck for forcing me to pick sides. Democrats suck for not fielding good candidates. I suck for letting them both get away with it. But at least the future should bring a few Democrats I like. Republicans, however, can kiss my latte-sippin', hybrid-drivin', sushi-eatin' ass.
Sumocat, at 10/27/2006 04:41:00 PM
Also, Rush says he was exaggerating?:
Pay close attention to the first 2 minutes
Anonymous, at 10/27/2006 08:47:00 PM
And I repeat... The Fox ad was a spin campaign to push human cloning, using deception to trap voters into voting for something that isn't on the ballet at all (embryonic stem cell research). All of Fox's efforts to find a cure for the horrible disease are commended, but this ad refers to a bill that supports human cloning, not stem cell research.
If you listened to Rush, he specifically said he had no problem with Fox not taking his meds and even stated that it was a good tactic in pushing his adgenda. Keep in mind, what Fox says is in the political arena (on a political comercial). The things he says (and how he says them) are open for critisism when they are flat out wrong.
BTW... Resorting to name calling is common amongst the far left. A good tactic and I'm glad it's yours.
Anonymous, at 10/28/2006 06:03:00 PM
[And I repeat... The Fox ad was a spin campaign to push human cloning] -- Opponents of embryonic stem cell research insist it won't help because the donor cells won't match the recipient's. Assuming they're right, it would be necessary to replicate one's own cells to create a workable cure. The two research paths are intertwined, unless the opponents on the right are wrong.
[The things he says (and how he says them) are open for critisism when they are flat out wrong.] -- I'm not calling Rush out for his criticisms, but he did literally accuse him of "exaggerating" his symptoms. Attack his politics, cool. Attack his shaking intensity, not cool. And I don't know if you're paying attention, but the only one here attackinganyone's politics is you.
[BTW... Resorting to name calling is common amongst the far left. A good tactic and I'm glad it's yours.] -- Hiding one's identity is a common tactic among chicken shit anonymous douchebags and I'm glad it's yours. Has nothing to do with politics. And I seem to recall Ann Coulter also has a history of name-calling. Didn't realize she was a leftie.
Sumocat, at 10/28/2006 07:29:00 PM
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