Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Okay, in all fairness, the movers themselves were nice guys. They took good care of our stuff even though it is mostly cheap crap. However, they were three hours late, which really messed up my schedule. The rates were good and I was only charged the minimum travel time, but still I found All Awesome Movers to be less than awesome.

Less Than Awesome Movers


  1. I would have to agree about a less than All Awesome move experience. My movers called and were close to ontime and were very nice but certainly weren't careful with my things. My desk was trashed and my very nice bed has a large scratch in it. Unfortunately, I signed off on the move before I found all these things. In this case, low prices meant low quality.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/03/2006 08:52:00 AM

  2. I have to disagree I had an amazing expereince with ALL AWESOME MOVERS, they didnt waste any of my time, the packers were amazing and fast. None of my things were mossing or scratched! I highly recommend this company, I myself have used them 3 times!!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 7/12/2007 09:59:00 PM

  3. For the posting on Tuesday, August 02, 2005
    I’d like to tell our customer that the delay happened because your job was a small job that was scheduled in the after noon and there was another job scheduled before yours and you agreed with the only opening that we had in the after noon, on the other hand I don’t see anything wrong with taking care of your stuff since we charged you the minimum. (You are paying the minimum anyway!)

    Asem Shalan
    Company manager

    By Blogger All Awesome Movers, at 8/13/2007 12:42:00 PM

  4. I understand delays, but three hours? You can't tell me that merits a grade of "awesome". Good (or "less than awesome") at best. Again though, the delay was the only problem. The moving guys did a good job and I gave them a solid tip. I had none of the issues described by anonymous on 8/3/06.

    By Blogger Sumocat, at 8/13/2007 12:59:00 PM

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