Clock shifting sucks!
Time shifting (, the practice of watching shows at a more convenient time after their initial broadcast, is awesome. I'm enjoying that quite a bit on my new media PC, both recording TV shows and streaming from Hulu. On the other hand, clock shifting, the practice of flipping clocks back an hour to "save daylight," sucks hard.
Yes, it's time once again for me to rant against Daylight Saving Time ( and the absurd notion that anyone in the modern world needs this arbitrary construct. We have ample artificial light. People can work productively any time of day. We don't need to rely on the sun to tell us when to work, and those who do can just work different hours. Why we all must suffer a clock shift is beyond me.
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Labels: waste of time
Clock shifting sucks!
posted by Sumocat at 11/03/2009 12:56:00 PM
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