Cutting back starting... now
Okay, so I double, extra botched my plan to cut back on blogging today. Topics got tossed out, and I got excited. I tried to hold off, but then the mental connections got made, and I picked up momentum. Next thing I know, I've got four blog entries posted. I didn't even understand one of them, yet I volunteered after turning my lack of understanding into my angle ( Even now, writing about how I need to cut back, I'm thinking about how I've been swapping between three different pens this week, and how I can turn that into a topic, while incorporating something I read about someone going through three replacement pens. Damn, I have way too many tangential thoughts spinning.
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Cutting back starting... now
posted by Sumocat at 6/01/2009 06:49:00 PM
At least you failed at something. :)
I wouldn't worry about blogging to much Mark.Your stuff is interesting, and you always have a unique view of things.
By Michael Venini, at 6/02/2009 10:39:00 AM
It's a sickness I tell you. Right after I posted that, I was throwing down ideas for a write-up of how I use Evernote. I'm going to burn out before the month is up... except by saying that I defy myself to continue forward. It's a vicious cycle.
By Sumocat, at 6/02/2009 11:23:00 AM
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